IPL Photofacial
A couple weeks ago, I visited Emily at Nayak Plastic Surgery for an IPL Photofacial treatment. I have had freckles and sun damage covering my face for several years now that I typically cover with high coverage makeup. IPL has become something that has peaked my interest in recent years, and I was interested to see if IPL could help reverse some of the many years worth of sun damage and help me to obtain even skin tone and healthier, glowing skin.
Benefits of IPL: tightens pores, reduces the severity of acne, reduce the appearance of or eliminate sun spots/freckles, lessen hyperpigmentation, treat skin flushing and redness, reduce the appearance of scars, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reverse sun damage, treat vascular lesions, improve facial contour, tighten skin, boost collagen and elastin production… altogether – GLOWING skin!
What is IPL?
Intense Pulsed Light (also known as Broad Band Light) is a type of light therapy used to reduce sun damage, brown spots, and vascular irregularities, while stimulating collagen production and evening skin tone.
Does it hurt?
Emily gave me topical numbing gel that worked great! You feel very small zaps and will notice bright flashes of light, but the actual procedure is extremely brief!
Numbing Gel Treatment
What is the aftercare like?
Recovery time is minimal! I had redness a few hours after the treatment (like a mild sunburn). You mainly want to avoid sun exposure to the area and wear a hat/use SPF regularly – which everyone should be doing daily anyways! A few days after the treatment, the pigment worked its way to the surface of my skin and gradually flaked off. The flakes came off in very small “pepper like” pieces. They are small enough that they aren’t super noticeable, so you don’t have to feel self conscious about them whatsoever!
Before treatment: you need to make sure you use sunscreen daily and that your skin has not recently been exposed to the sun. Avoid self tanners for at least 2 weeks prior.
How often do you need to go?
Obtaining optimal initial results with existing sun damage requires 3-4 treatments, spaced one month apart. After the initial treatments, one treatment every 3 months is recommended. I have known others who have gone once per year and were pleased with their results.
IPL Daily Progress:
How much does it cost?
The IPL Photofacial is $450 for the full face. There are packages offered for multiple treatments/areas.
Other areas to consider: chest, neck, hands, arms, back, shoulders, legs
Overall, I was extremely impressed by how easy the procedure was for myself, the patient, and how incredibly effective the procedure was. Not only did I notice less pigment, but my skin feels and appears healthy and glowing! I have every intention of going back in the future and making IPL Photofacials a more consistent piece of my skincare regimen!