Why I Tried Botox and Fillers Before 30
Why I Got Botox :
My curiosity about Botox has grown over the past few years, as I am someone who tends to have a lot of expression. Teaching first grade it’s to be expected!
What’s interesting is that I find that the more that I talk about Botox, the more other people feel comfortable sharing with me that they have tried it or consistently get it done. I find more and more women whom have had it that I have never realized, until I started the conversation. While it may not be something that its always shared upon introduction, there’s a reason why so many have become fans of this type of treatment. I went to an open house at Nayak Plastic Surgery in December and learned SO much about a wide variety of treatments and how they work.
I know some people may be thinking, you are 29 years old – you don’t need Botox! The truth is that Botox is an excellent preventative method for wrinkles. As you age, wrinkles can deepen and reach deeper layers of skin. When this happens, you end up needing Botox AND fillers as your skin cannot naturally restore itself once wrinkles reach this point. However, when you choose to get it at a younger age, you allow your skin the opportunity to restore itself before the wrinkles are too deep for it to do so. Botox essentially freezes your muscles for a period long enough for your skin to naturally fill in its own wrinkles. Makes sense, RIGHT?
Why I Got Lip Fillers:
I have always been curious about lip fillers, and I liked the results I saw at Nayak Plastic Surgery the best. A major component to this decision was that my top lip consistently disappears when I smile. Your top lip is always naturally thinner than your bottom lip, and they fill your lips keeping this in mind so that it is consistent with the natural proportions. I love that I can effortlessly smile for photos now knowing that my top lip is still present for the picture!
My hope is to educate you about the process and provide honest answers to any questions you may have! I’m a firm believer that if I can do it, anyone can!
From the front desk to other nurses I would pass in the hall – even other clients- everyone at Nayak Plastic Surgery was incredibly warm and welcoming! Their positive company culture is evident from the moment you walk in the door.
Day of the Appointment:
While I was so excited to try these methods, I will be honest that about an hour before the appointment – I got pretty nervous! My husband was skeptical (he’s watched one too many RHOBH with me), and I have an IMMENSE anxiety when it comes to needles. I’m talking I attended a blood drive, saw them put iodine on someone else’s arm, and hit the FLOOR. I see stars just thinking about an iv or anything of that nature. My work wife bestie attends all flu shot appts with me. So while I was beyond excited for the results, the procedure caused me hesitation.
Nurse Julie was so welcoming and warm, that upon meeting her much of my anxiety went out the door. You will always receive a consultation where you can share your personal goals and any concerns prior to the procedure. Nurse Julie listens closely and asks clarifying questions to determine the best fit as a team. She is transparent and open to questions and concerns throughout. She could not have been more understanding and made sure that I was educated on the entire process.
We knocked out the Botox, no problem! I couldn’t believe how fast it went! When she began injecting my lips, the needle is of course going to be more right in front of you where you can see it. She comforted me throughout, helped me remember to breath, and asked me if I needed a break. I ended up needing one small break NOT because of any pain but because of my own needle anxiety. She was so sweet and made me feel like it happens and that it was OK! Her empathy allowed me to feel so comfortable and finish the procedure strong. I honestly cannot imagine that there is a kinder more understanding team out there. The combination of the incredibly kind bedside manner and superb talent that I experienced is unparalleled!
Thank you to those of you who asked questions! I love receiving your messages and sharing all I have learned!
Is it painful?
Let me start by clarifying that I have an extremely LOW pain tolerance. Meaning I think the smallest things hurt and am not one to push through any type of pain. I can honestly say, this was not remotely painful. I had read online that if you are to feel any pain, it is often around the cupids bow during lip fillers. I mentally prepared myself for this and was surprised that when it got to the top of my lip, it was not painful. They of course used numbing gel on both my forehead and lips beforehand. I did not take any type of ibuprofen etc. at any point, because I read online that blood thinning medications can cause more bruising. I thought that perhaps after the numbing cream wore off, I may experience some pain. However, that was not the case. I believe the filler itself has numbing properties within it as well.
Botox recovery time?
Almost instant! You should not put heavy pressure on the area for 4 hours or so and avoid heavy duty workouts that day. I have also heard not to invert your head as you don’t want to do things that will make the blood rush to your head and want to give time for everything to settle.
Lip Filler recovery time?
There is a decent amount of swelling after. However, I went to school the very next day. I work with first graders – who are some of the most brutally honest humans you could possible work with.. especially when it comes to physical appearance. While I was extremely self conscious about any swelling that was taking place, not a single child noticed.
I know some people are more prone to bruising than others, and I had little to no bruising. I had a SLIGHTLY darker shade of pink spot on my lip a couple days later, but it was not something that stood out to others and could easily be covered up with lipstick if I wanted. Which I didn’t because it was basically nothing! The truth is at the end of the day you are much more aware of the swelling that is taking place than others are.
Basically if you want no one to know you got fillers, you may want to get them on a day you do not work the next day. However, I went to work and many of my coworkers already knew I was getting fillers and said they did not look noticeably swollen.
Do your lips feel different/ have a different consistency?
I’m honestly surprised at how soft and pillowy my lips are. I had read online that you can have balls/ bumps within your lips and I have not experienced that at all. I do not notice any difference between what is the filler and what is my actual lip. They feel shockingly natural to me!
How often do you get Botox?
It depends on what kind you get and each person can be different. Botox it typically lasts 3-4 months. This time period allows your skin to rejuvenate and fill in wrinkles on its own.
How often do you get lip fillers?
It depends on the type you receive and how fast your body metabolizes the filler. What I received (Juvederm Ultra) typically lasts about 9 -12 months. Others who have received it have told me that it typically lasts longer after subsequent appointments after your initial filling.
How much do lip fillers cost?
The price may vary depending on each patient’s desired results and current state. I personally received a full syringe of Juvederm Ultra which costs about $650. Keep in mind this can last around 9 – 12 months! Juvederm is what provides that “pillowy” look.
How much does botox cost?
Again, The price may vary depending on each patient’s desired results and current state. I received botox on my worry lines, frown lines, and crows feet – mainly focusing on my forehead. For the amount I had received, the cost is just a little over $400. Also, Nayak offers great deals and discounts when buying in bulk.
Right Before Botox & Lip Fillers:
*take note of my non existent upper lip
Minutes After Botox & Lip Fillers:
The Next Day:
You can see that while I have a good amount of swelling in my lips, it was nothing too crazy! I made sure to ice them a lot the evening before.
The photo below was taken a few days later. This was the MOST bruising I had throughout the entire recovery. You can see some discoloration, but overall little to no bruising.
In a nutshell, I was extremely pleased with the results and so surprised that the procedure and recovery were much easier than I had ever anticipated! If Botox or lip fillers are something you have considered, I would highly recommend visiting Nayak Plastic Surgery (especially Nurse Julie Boren) for a free consultation!
Still have questions? Leave a comment below or reach out on Instagram! I always love hearing from you!